Wall Art

Shoot&Sell (26)

The classic matted and framed print

This always looks good.

Premium archival printing on Australia’s best cotton rag papers (archival to 100+ years)

A choice of high-quality moldings in Black, Chocolate, White, Oak, and Silver.

There is also a range of customisations to create a unique look to suit your tastes.


Framed Canvas Print

Adding some pizazz to your canvas - a beautiful box frame in a choice of colours - oak, black or white finishes your artwork beautifully.

Printed on heavy, fine weave canvas and archival inks your artwork is guaranteed for 75 years.

Stretched Canvas Print

An all-time favourite.

Looking for a matte finish to your new artwork without it being hidden behind glass?

Printed on heavy 44ogsm canvas using only the finest archival inks your canvas will look just as good in 75 years as it does the day you hang it.

Hardwood frames ensure there will be no warping and satin laminate finish provides UV, moisture and handling protection

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Wood Prints


Have your beautiful photographic print mounted on a marine-grade raw timber panel and finished with a satin laminate for extra protection and a glorious finish.

Larger sizes are ready to hang and smaller sizes look good on an easel and can sit on a ledge or sideboard.

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